Friday, June 17, 2011

los angeles children's photography: happy fathers day

every day, not just fathers day, i treasure the relationship you have with our boys. you are teaching them to be strong, athletic, smart and chivalrous men. you show them what it means to be able to work with your hands and be proud of your accomplishments. because of you, they are seeing what it means to be a real man: to love whole heartedly, to laugh at life's little hiccups, and of course, to throw a baseball. they know what it means to be a hero, because you are theirs. 
we love you for everything you do for our family, the sleepless nights at work, and the sleepless nights at home. the cereal poured just right, and the steak bbq'd to perfection. the tires pumped on the bikes, and the batteries changed in the toys. the wrestling, playing yogurt shop, and laying watching cartoons. our boys love you more than their limited vocabularies can express.
 and i, well i know every day just how blessed i am to have you raising our children with me. thank you for being the best father our children could ever have. 

(and if y'all were wondering where the little one was during all this fun, he was napping! So when he woke up, I snapped a couple of him as well)


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Sunday, June 12, 2011

san jose maternity photographer: a rainy day session

lauren and paul:
high school sweet hearts,
college loves
married for a few years now, 
they are about to welcome a baby girl into their family.

i couldn't help but notice the way paul would gaze at lauren's belly with such love.
hearing lauren whisper "i hope she gets your green eyes"
these two have been patiently waiting to start a family, and in just a few more weeks, she will be here! 

our original plan of an outdoor session was quickly changed when it decided to rain all day (in june, who would have thought!) but luckily these two get amazing light in their home. 

i can't wait to meet your precious baby in a few short weeks!
thank you for inviting me into your home to capture such an exciting time in your life!


pasadena portrait photography: don't you wish your lawyer was hot like mine

Verenice graduated from law school last month. 
not only is she beautiful, but she is smart (and talented too). 

we spent an overcast afternoon down at Pasadena's City Hall and Public Library, celebrating her recent accomplishment. 

i am so proud to call her a friend, and know i will be able to call on her to bail me out if i ever need :) ha! 

san jose family photography: a day at the park

last weekend was one of my whirlwind trips up to the bay area. i had quite a few sessions scheduled, and unfortunately, the weather did not cooperate (who would have thought in june we'd be having torrential down pours!) while a few of my sessions were rescheduled, i was lucky enough on sunday, to spend a little time with the beautiful Salameh family. They just welcomed #3 into the family 2 months ago, and i was happy to capture their first photos as a family of five! 
the sun never came out to play with us, but at least it wasn't raining! we headed over near the children's discovery museum, to take advantage of the beautiful park located outside. it was an active afternoon of tree climbing, flower picking and running through the grass, and it made me love this family's energy! 

 and of course, the two beautiful ones who started this family
