Wednesday, May 30, 2012

los angeles wedding photography: sabrina and basilio

the day was perfect.
family and their closest friends would be joining them for an intimate ceremony held in the front room of their new house. 
the house that they moved into THAT DAY. 
they would spend their first night as a married couple in the space they will make their home. 

basilio and sabrina chose to do a first look and majority of their portraits before the ceremony.

the house was overflowing with love and people there to witness their love for each other

congrats basilio and sabrina! thank you for inviting me to be part of your incredible day! 

Thursday, May 3, 2012

alhambra children's photography: brody is one!

nothing compares to that first year of life. 
how much they grow.
how much they learn.
how easily they steal our hearts. 

happy first birthday brody dean, 
i have loved watching you grow this first year