Wednesday, January 13, 2010

The Segura Family

Happy 2010! My New Year's goal: to blog my sessions this year! It's amazing that I haven't blogged before, saying that I love to write and journal. I think the difference is I LOVE putting the pen to paper. I am obsessed with handwriting, and think there is nothing classier than a handwritten note. So typing away, while convenient because everyone can see it, seems so impersonal to me. But regardless, I am going to try and rock out some blogs to go along with my pictures! Wish me luck!

When friends contacted me to do a family session for them, I jumped at the chance. This was their FIRST official family pictures, and their youngest is almost 4years old! I was honored to take the pictures! We had fun, OK, maybe fun isn't the word the boys would use to describe it, we had an "experience" wondering through Union Station, Olvera St, and the most awesome Graffiti Alley you can imagine in Downtown LA. Thank you for playing along with me, and had we not run out of sunlight, I'm sure I would have snapped away for another few hours!

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