Tuesday, March 2, 2010

i am a valley girl

yesterday marked three years of us being in our home. three years of living in the valley, which also means three years since living 1 block from the beach. it's hard to believe it's been that long. It took up until a few months ago for me to actually start decorating the house and make it feel like our home (and in all honesty, i think this might be the first time i have referred to our house as our home). but since i have, i am now more accepting that we will be here for a while, and i might as well enjoy the beautiful house we live in. so i'm going to list off my top 5 things i like about this house:

1. this house has AMAZING light. it could be the fact that our entire house is french doors and windows (we literally live in a glass house, so i have a strict no throwing rocks policy), and i love to lay on the couch next to the window and watch the clouds go by while the boys play in the family room. i've taken some gorgeous pictures using the natural diffused light that comes through, and when we do finally move, that is probably the one thing i will miss most about this house (and my office. i have an amazing office, again with beautiful light that floods the room.

2. my office. it's equal parts glamour and grit, and i designed the whole thing myself. you can check it out yourself! http://www.roomzaar.com/rate-my-space/Home-Offices/my-favorite-room-in-the-house/detail.esi?oid=11256842

3. W's nursery. a woodsey wonderland of greens and brown.

4. our master bath. glass enclosed steam shower, seperate jacuzzi tub complete with a candle chandelier. ultimate relaxation spot. if only i had time to use it!

5. the yard. We designed this house to be a gathering house (hence the use of french doors throughout) and the yard is an extension of that. it would take too long to describe it, so instead, i'll just invite everyone over for a gathering, and you can all see it yourself!

i have finally accepted that yes, we live in the valley, and i am a valley girl.

W is 10 months old today, and E will be 3 in 10 days, so we were out having some fun in the backyard

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