Thursday, March 25, 2010

things i love...

this is going to be a quick one, i've got dinner going and family in from out of town, but i didn't want to not get my second things i love list done!

1. the smell of our fabric softner (downey orchid allure). it is heavenly.

2. descanso gardens. gorgeous grounds to walk through, and everything is blooming right now

3. petunia picklebottom diaper bags. even after my kids are out of diapers, i will be willing to carry one of these bags around. (and the touring tote works great as a camera bag because of all the little bottle pockets)

4. susie cakes cupcakes. sprinkles who? if you haven't bitten into one of their red velvet cupcakes, you are missing out. THE best cupcakes i have ever eaten!

5. my husband. (i'm biased, i know) for allowing me to remodel our rental unit and not complaining how tired he is after working 24 hours then going to the house and working for another 7 hours. he is the best. only a few more work days and we will have the kitchen and bathrooms done!

thats it. quick and to the point. i' off to flip the pork chops now!

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