Friday, April 16, 2010

erin, evan, and the girls

have you ever had one person who seems to be your life's biggest cheerleader? or someone who pushes you to be a better person, whether it be physically, emotionally, creatively, or just all round better? i have a few of them in my life. the obvious ones, my hubs, the parental's, and my sisters. my best friends and inlaw's.  but then i have one who i wouldn't have expected. erin.

she and i met back in high school, and as fate (and facebook) would have it, we reconnected. from the day i started my photography fan page, and actually, even before that, when i was just taking classes and posting my work on my personal page, erin was there commenting on how fabulous she thinks my work is. i have been truly thankful for all her kind words, because on the days when i feel least creative, i can look at them and see that someone out there has been touched by my photos.

erin herself is now breaking into the photog business in denver, and she is doing amazing things already! she has a goal to have an amazing website up for tutorials for other photogs, which i will be a contributing author on (again, thank you erin for including me!) It hasn't launched yet, but as soon as it does, i will be posting the link here for all to see.

erin and her husband have been married for 6 years, and have no professional photos together. so when she heard i would be in denver, she immediately asked if she could schedule a session. i was excited to see parts of CO that i probably wouldn't have, and even drove past, and stopped to say a prayer at Columbine high school on my way to our session.

she and evan picked a beautiful, albeit windy, park over looking a valley called daniels park. the air was chilly to this Cali girl, but apparently it was warm for them! i had to keep wiping my drippy nose i was so cold, so it was a good thing i was on the back side of the camera! their goal was for not only pictures of the whole family, but of the two of them as well. we had a blast climbing around, and i even did some rock climbing to get to a few awesome angles. I'm an adventurer on occasion! it was a fun session, which we ended back at their house with a picnic for the girls.

like i mentioned, erin has an amazing eye for detail. when i told her my idea of a vintage picnic for the girls, she ran with it and had a whole little scene set up for us.


  1. Kym, your kind words brought a tear to my eye. I am so thankful YOU are the one to finally take our family photos. They mean so much more because of it! The three shots of the girls in b&w are perfect!
