Wednesday, April 14, 2010

a home for my computer

check out my awesome new computer bag! so it's not actually supposed to be a computer bag. in fact, when it was made, people didn't even have computers, let alone one that would fit in a bag! 

i found this beauty at our local salvation army yesterday. i'd never been in the store, only outside to drop my donations off. so yesterday, with nothing better to do, the boys and i took a trip inside to see what kind of treasures we could uncover. i had in my mind that i wanted to find a new piece of furniture for our kitchen. i have my hair chair in our breakfast nook, and need something to use as my station. i love repurposing old furniture, it's my way of helping keep it out of the dumps (my hubs says i rescue old chairs like most people rescue lost puppies), and the quality was so much better back then, i just can't help it. unfortunately, no furniture caught my eye, but there was this bag, sitting all by itself under a rack of beat up old purses. i was instantly attracted to it's robin's egg blue, and then when i saw it was a sampsonite, i knew i wanted it. i checked the tag, never having actually shopped in a salvation army, i didn't know how their pricing would be. $5.25. that's it?!?! five dollars and twenty-five cents. i'll take it! the zipper needs to be stitched back on where the string has broken, but that is an easy fix. i think i'll do that in yellow, to give it a little pop! 

hubs says it looks like an old lady's bowling bag from the 60's. i say it looks like a vintage bag of awesomeness. and he should be happy i'm in love with it. i could have come home with the $300 coach computer bag i liked instead! 

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