Sunday, May 30, 2010

whats to come

in the next few days...

i cannot wait to get them all edited and show them off. these two are so fun! 

Friday, May 28, 2010

l dot a dot

so even before we even met, i knew we would get along great. we were both signed up for the fabulous jasmine star's workshop in april, and she was the one to organize our groups  getting to know you  page on facebook. i hadn't seen her work yet, nor had i done anything more than see her name: verenice (which i like to say with a very french accent verrrrrreniiiiccce). but for some reason, i knew she and i would become friends.

verenice is the photographer behind l dot a dot photography, and is jsut starting her business as she finishes up law school, yeah, she's smart and creative and she's gorgeous! she asked if i could take some photos of her for her website, and i of course said yes!

she of course tried to pull the "i'm better behind the lens than i am in front" line, and all i have to say to that is: v, if you are this good in front of the lens, i better watch out,  because you rock behind it too!

for my new bpf (best photographer friend):

you are stunning!( and thanks for watching my back so i didn't get taken out by one of the dogs!)

Thursday, May 27, 2010


one baby is a blessing. two is a handful. three, well that is a miracle and a headache all wrapped in one adorable set of triplets! 

this was my first experience with shooting newborn multiples, and it was a fun afternoon! just as you'd expect, as soon as two were ready to go, the third would spit up, cry, or need a diaper change. it was a constant revolving door as to which one it would be, and mama and daddy, along with their aunt, were like a well oiled machine.  

i am in ah of their parents, and the calmness that they both have. the way they would just laugh at the situation, rather than get upset, is inspiring. but then again, i guess you have to just laugh, they are too cute not to! 

capturing memories

capturing light. that is what photography is. capturing and savoring every little detail of that moment in time.

memories. the mental capacity of retaining and reviving impressions and emotions.

first birthday. the only age at which an adult will try to force you to make a mess while eating your birthday cupcake.

third birthday. the age at which spinning circles while blowing bubbles in the grass is still the most fun.


sisters. two who are connected not just through blood, but also by love.

happy birthdays D and N. 

thank you for allowing me to capture those memories for you. 

Tuesday, May 25, 2010

the best way to spend my tuesday...

was to start it with these two:

and end it with this one:

more to come soon.....

Saturday, May 22, 2010

cheerleading, bumblebees and eiffel 65

when you are 16, you have the world in front of you. you think you know what's best, and you don't think twice about your actions. and when you are 16 and you meet your best friend during cheer tryouts, you know it will be one energetic friendship.

it was the summer i turned 16 when nicole and i roomed for cheer camp. we had rebel attitudes, not liking to conform to the typical peppy cheerleader stereotype (although we were both pretty perky anyways), so our days as cheerleaders didn't last too long. but our friendship has.

she was my maid of honor, my oldest son's godmother, and i was her maid of honor last summer. we talk almost daily.

when she told me she was pregnant, i automatically started envisioning her maternity photos. she is one of the most beautiful  people i know, both inside and out. but on the morning of her baby shower, after having been in a wedding the day before, she was feeling anything but pretty. our session got ixnayed, but i told her i wouldn't allow her to not have any pictures done. so, in front of her parents home, we did a quick impromptu session, before her guests arrived.

Thursday, May 20, 2010

things i love thursday!

i lost a filling 2 nights ago. how you might be wondering? flossing. who loses a filling while flossing? apparently, me. i thought the whole point of flossing was to avoid things like this happening. ugh. i'm off to the dentist in a bit to have it fixed, at least they could get me in this quickly.

so here is my very quick things i love list:

orajel. the only thing helping my poor little w sleep through the night while he's teething, and the only thing helping the pain from having an open hole in my tooth. 

tulips. so spring, so colorful, so gorgeous when they are sitting on my kitchen counter!

yo gabba gabba. i'm not quite sure how to explain this show, except that it is educational at the same time as entertaining. if you saw brad pitt's orange jumpsuit halloween costume, he was dressed as dj lance from the show. it's on nick jr, and one of the only shows e will sit through long enough for me to take a shower and get dressed. god bless yo gabba gabba.  weird but awesome.

comedy wednesdays. have i mentioned that before? i heart modern family and cougar town. they make me look forward to wednesdays. 

summer dresses. long, short, striped, floral, my closet is full of them. now that the weather is heating up, my white legs might finally get to see sunlight while i'm rockin a cute dress.

have a great week all!

i don't know if i've introduced enzo to everyone yet. he's our "fur"st born. 100 lbs of pure sugary sweetness.

Tuesday, May 18, 2010

mr and mrs

i can hardly believe it. my first wedding. done! i don't know if there is more i can say than that. and a huge thank you to katie and jason for allowing me to be a part of their special day. the mission at santa clara university is gorgeous, and i had a great time with them, and my fellow photographer dave. together, we rocked their wedding! until i get them all edited, here is a little preview from the day. i'll put together a slide show of my favorites after they are finished and off to the mr and mrs. i'd hate for everyone else to get to see their photos before they do!

Monday, May 17, 2010

because i really couldn't wait to share these

the diaper cake i have been waiting to reveal can now be seen: more from the wedding and sessions to come, but these were taken last week before i left for the wild weekend!

i'm thinking of doing a tutorial on how to make them. any one interested??

and one sneak peak at the wedding: 

Thursday, May 13, 2010

things i love thursday!

it's amazing how quickly a week can pass by. it truly makes me try and enjoy every minute with my children and husband, as well as with my friends and clients, because time can slip away from you before you know it.

it's been a tough week for us, people always say when things happen, they happen in 3's, and this week is testimony to that. my prayers go out to all the families in their time of loss and sadness, and i have to say thank you to God, for protecting my best friend's dad when he rolled his car 3 times after hitting black ice in the mountains outside lake tahoe.

but now for my things i love:

finding old love letters when cleaning out boxes of junk. i found one that i actually wrote and never gave to my 6th grade boyfriend. he was the one who taught me how to rollerblade backwards, and i was telling him how much fun i had on our  "roller blading date" that weekend. oh the simplicity of youth!

cleaning out boxes of junk! i wouldn't call myself a packrat, but for some reason, i used to hold on to random stuff. you know, the napkin from the first fancy restaurant i ate at (yes, the clothe one went straight into my purse),  movie ticket stubs from when movies still only cost $3.75 (must have been a matinee), a hotel key, bead necklaces from spring breaks in college (oh college!), and more letters from friends dating all the way back to junior high. the memories that flooded back with some of it were great. other stuff, i had no clue why i was holding on to it, so it went straight into the trash!

diaper cakes. i made one for my best friend's baby shower this weekend that i am so in love with! i can't wait to post the pictures of it to show it off (obviously, next week after her shower. i don't want to ruin the surprise of it!) lets just say, it's very cheery!

getting my hair did. finally. i'm doing my color for the first time since JULY of last year! i'm excited!

my new logo design. did you notice? it's a simple design, but i'm a simple person! the website has had a little facelift as well. i got bored of the black and white, and felt it was time to bring a smidge of color into it.

have a great weekend all! did i mention i'm shooting my first solo wedding this weekend? and 2 maternity sessions and a baby shower! heaven!
both my boys have their own rose bushes, planted on their 1st birthday's. w's is blooming already! 

Sunday, May 9, 2010

the walters girls

some days are just meant for shooting. the skies are blue, there is no wind (a rarity in this part of the valley), and the weather is warm, but not hot. yesterday was one of those days, and i was so happy to have a session with three of the most beautiful little girls! ellie, caiti and anna (with their mom patty) met me at the hidden chateau and gardens in west hills, to get an early start on their father's day gift for daddy (plus a mother's day gift for patty as well). the girls had never been to this enchanting little garden, and had fun wondering through the gorgeous garden and antique store. that's right,  besides being an awesome backdrop for photos, it is an antique store and venue available for parties or weddings (we had to make sure to be in and out quick, as there was a bride en route for her own wedding photos there). had i known about this place 4 years ago, i guarantee i would have held my own wedding here! but back to the girls...

ps, that awesome antique garden gate you see in the second picture, yeah, that's now mine! thanks patty!! that is one of the best gifts i have every received! it will get a LOT of use in future sessions, i know it!