Saturday, May 22, 2010

cheerleading, bumblebees and eiffel 65

when you are 16, you have the world in front of you. you think you know what's best, and you don't think twice about your actions. and when you are 16 and you meet your best friend during cheer tryouts, you know it will be one energetic friendship.

it was the summer i turned 16 when nicole and i roomed for cheer camp. we had rebel attitudes, not liking to conform to the typical peppy cheerleader stereotype (although we were both pretty perky anyways), so our days as cheerleaders didn't last too long. but our friendship has.

she was my maid of honor, my oldest son's godmother, and i was her maid of honor last summer. we talk almost daily.

when she told me she was pregnant, i automatically started envisioning her maternity photos. she is one of the most beautiful  people i know, both inside and out. but on the morning of her baby shower, after having been in a wedding the day before, she was feeling anything but pretty. our session got ixnayed, but i told her i wouldn't allow her to not have any pictures done. so, in front of her parents home, we did a quick impromptu session, before her guests arrived.


  1. I love you my bff. You are beautiful inside and out too. You are all the things I'm not, guess thats why we click so well... Love you lady. -B
