Thursday, May 6, 2010

things i love thursday!

photo courtesy of betty lang
this past week has been a busy one. my baby turned 1 on friday, and we had a fun little party for him over the weekend, complete with bounce house, bubbles and a make shift photo booth. it was a great first birthday party for our lil worm.

i've also been busy creating my new cd/dvd sleeves, and am SO happy with the way they turned out. handmade with recycled, organic paper, i am excited to be sending my images off in these little works of art (simple as they may be.)

i took a trip down to the flower mart in downtown LA, to get all the flowers for W's birthday. they are still blooming a week later and making my house smell yummy! (yes, that's them in the picture above) a trip down there is a must for anyone who loves gorgeous flowers without the horrendous prices of floral shops. (just get there early, the best selections go fast. my favorite days to go are tuesday and wednesday, before the rush of people for the weekend)

my new shootsac should be here any day. an early mothers day gift for myself, i finally gave in and bought one, and can't wait for my next shoot so i can use it! is a fun website for off the wall, unordinary gifts for yourself or others. i can always find unique gifts that people love, and their customer service is excellent. check em out!

1 comment:

  1. LOVE the new packaging and I'm so jealous that you're getting a shootsac! =)
