Saturday, July 31, 2010

Friday, July 30, 2010

miami, your ami, it's all our ami

we just got back from my husband's family reunion in key biscayne/ miami. it was quite an experience, traveling with a one year old and a three year old. but not only that, we had 19 family members staying in one beautiful shore front house together. it was chaotic and fun all at once. i have never seen such beautiful beaches or sunsets, and every picture looks like a postcard to me! 
one of the nights, i took my nieces out with me to do some night shooting. the house had a perfect view of the miami skyline, so at midnight, we set our cameras out on the dock (because none of us had tripods), and i introduced them to the world of long exposure. i had such a blast with them, and just getting to go out and shoot around the key, that i couldn't wait to share some of the images! and remember, all of the next few images were taken at midnight. in the dark. with no flash.

i think i might turn this one into a gianormous print to hang in my living room. or sell it to ikea for them to mass market it! i love it so much! 

i'll post some more from my trip in the near future, there are too many to pick from not to include! 

Thursday, July 29, 2010

long beach, ca family photography: the hattan family

i met joann when i was living in long beach. she was the office manager for the doctor who worked next door to the hair salon where i worked. we spent our lunch breaks chatting and became fast friends. she was one of the first people i told when i found out i was pregnant with E, and when she met adam, i could tell it was true love. she brought him to our couples baby shower, it was their "one week" anniversary. they were googly eyed over each other, and our mutual friend lori, who drove with them, said it was torture watching these two be so in love! when they found out they were pregnant with their daughter frankie, i was over the moon for them! i knew they would make amazing parents, and i was right. frankie is a beautiful little girl with the most spectacular eyes. now, frankie is about to become a big sister, and i was lucky enough to capture their family photos before baby hattan makes his appearance in a few months. 
we had to fight traffic, the wind, and a lack of napping, but i think the photos still capture the day and the love this family shares for each other.

joann, adam, and frankie, thank you for the fun, i can't wait to meet the little man when he makes his debut!

Tuesday, July 20, 2010

laguna beach, ca engagement session: sometimes, words aren't even needed

sometimes writers block hits me. i have no words to describe lisa and josh and the F.U.N. we had during their engagement shoot. lisa is a soft spoken beauty, who doesn't see just how gorgeous she is. she has such grace about her, that even changing her shoes in the middle of the sidewalk looks beautiful. and josh. well, josh was self proclaimed "against" the whole idea of engagement photos, but with their wedding next month, lisa convinced him it was a great way to get to know me and get comfortable in front of the camera, so there were no awkward feelings on the wedding day. we had a great time wondering the streets of laguna beach and finding the perfect sun flare's in alleyways and parking garages. by the end of our time together, josh admitted he had a great time, and even looks forward to the wedding photos now (despite the new dent in his bumper from attempting a tricky parallel parking job) 

thank you two for the tour of laguna! i look forward to your wedding next month! 
check out lisa's gorgeous eyes! 

Thursday, July 15, 2010

los gatos ca, newborn photography: baby {love}

i heard a quote the other day that said "when a baby smiles while she sleeps, it's because angels are whispering to her". Sybella not only smiles while she sleeps, she giggles too. 

here are just a few from our mini session while i was in san jose...

a daddy's girl through and through. 
she was so mellow and peaceful, making it easy to photograph her while she slept 

things i love thursday...

rest stops are gross. but the trips being taken are totally worth the gross factor. in the last few weeks, i have been to the southern part of the state, the eastern corner of it, and to the northern bay. i have driven more than 1500 miles in 3 weeks. all totally worth the hours on end in the car! i'll be tacking on another 250 over the weekend for a few sessions i have scheduled, and then, off to miami! 

my things i love thursday revolves around travel:

1. harris ranch off the i-5. some of the cleanest bathrooms up or down the state! i frequently stop there when i or one of the boys needs a pit stop. and they actually have shade! a rare sight for those of you who know that route! and vacuums, to be able to do a quick cleaning of the car after you accidentally dup the entire bag of chips in the back seat.

2. jupiter jack. seriously, when the hubs bought this, i thought: "how lame and pointless is that thing. i doubt it even works" (and if you know me, i didn't just think it, i said it under my breath, just loud enough to irritate the hubbers) but seriously, it works! it turns the speakers in the car into your phone! just be careful whoever you are talking to knows they are on speaker phone and you have your kids in the car (ehhem, random f bombs being dropped by certain unnamed people!) 

3. lemon iced tea snapple. i can't go on a drive without one. 

4. an awesome playlists on the ipod. god bless ipod for saving me in the dead of the state where no radio stations come it. we were able to continue to rock out all through the drives!

5. out of state license plate game. i never get too old to play this one! 

and of course, a quick preview of the little newbie i drove up to the bay area to shoot! more of her to come in the next day or so!

Sunday, July 11, 2010

yes, i am alive

someone once said, "instead of writing (or blogging) about life, how about living life". and that is exactly what i have been doing the last couple weeks! while i have been neglecting my poor blog (sorry!), i have been enjoying the summer months and the beautiful weather we are blessed to have here in southern california. i have had some amazing sessions lately, and am a little back up on editing all of them because we went camping for an entire week! me, the dirt, one boy who doesn't walk yet, and two boys who love adventures. it was an adventure! so until i get all caught up, here are a few previews from a some of the shoots! there's a little love, a little life, and of course, a lot of fun! 

yes, those are my feet, out the window of the rv we rented