Thursday, July 15, 2010

things i love thursday...

rest stops are gross. but the trips being taken are totally worth the gross factor. in the last few weeks, i have been to the southern part of the state, the eastern corner of it, and to the northern bay. i have driven more than 1500 miles in 3 weeks. all totally worth the hours on end in the car! i'll be tacking on another 250 over the weekend for a few sessions i have scheduled, and then, off to miami! 

my things i love thursday revolves around travel:

1. harris ranch off the i-5. some of the cleanest bathrooms up or down the state! i frequently stop there when i or one of the boys needs a pit stop. and they actually have shade! a rare sight for those of you who know that route! and vacuums, to be able to do a quick cleaning of the car after you accidentally dup the entire bag of chips in the back seat.

2. jupiter jack. seriously, when the hubs bought this, i thought: "how lame and pointless is that thing. i doubt it even works" (and if you know me, i didn't just think it, i said it under my breath, just loud enough to irritate the hubbers) but seriously, it works! it turns the speakers in the car into your phone! just be careful whoever you are talking to knows they are on speaker phone and you have your kids in the car (ehhem, random f bombs being dropped by certain unnamed people!) 

3. lemon iced tea snapple. i can't go on a drive without one. 

4. an awesome playlists on the ipod. god bless ipod for saving me in the dead of the state where no radio stations come it. we were able to continue to rock out all through the drives!

5. out of state license plate game. i never get too old to play this one! 

and of course, a quick preview of the little newbie i drove up to the bay area to shoot! more of her to come in the next day or so!

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