Thursday, August 12, 2010

a little joy goes a long way

it tells a lot about a person when they are willing to take a day, open their home, and share all their knowledge on a topic they love. To be willing to share all their secrets in the hopes that you will be able to achieve a love and passion for their art as much as they do. 

saturday i was able to join tonya joy and listen to share her recipe for success. she and i met while both attending the jasmine star workshop a few months back, and instantly, i began blog stalking her! i loved every image she posted, and not only that, i loved her soul and passion she has for her clients and her own family. 

she opened her home to 9 of us women: a group of mothers, professionals, and amateur's alike, and shared with us how she manages workflow still keeping her family first (she is a mother to 4 under 7!). she also scheduled for us two different shoots, to teach lighting techniques in different conditions. tonya is known for her amazing back lighting and sensual sunflare, and so this is what i was really looking forward to.
she truly is an amazing artist and an amazing person. while her workshop is not just for women, and it is not just for mothers in the industry, she spoke directly to me and my struggles (not really, but it felt like it) of missing out on my own family time. she taught me some quick tips to help me be spending more time with my family instead of being in front of the computer editing, and that is something i (and the hubs) appreciate more than i could ever put into words on my blog! i came away with more from this workshop (both artistically and emotionally) than i have from any other i have attended this year. 

tonya: thank you SO much for opening your home and your brain to me and the other ladies! i had such an amazing day, and can't wait for the next time we can get together and shoot! or maybe just have a play date with the kiddos!! xoxo

now: on to the pictures!! i'm posting backwards, and posting the evening session first, but that is because well, i was in LOVE! 
so funny story about these next two pictures: as our model was holding the chandelier, he gives a little squirm and a "woah". then informs us something is crawling up his leg. after a minute of trying to ignore it, he tells us he has to go check and see, because it is still creeping up. turns out the poor guy had a lizard crawling up his leg! 
the picture on the left was his initial "woah", and the right was his girlfriend's reaction when he announced the reason behind the squirms!

stay tuned for the family shoot from the day! 


  1. Those are great.... love the lizard pics. :) That was definitely a great moment. LOL The BW pic with the flare from the chandelier, my fav. :)

  2. i am humbled and sincerely grateful that you came! Your words here mean the world to me...thank you.
    It was so nice to see you again and you added so much to this workshop. Your images...ok...seriously so beautiful...loving the flare...that shoot was so much fun! xoxo to you! can't wait to see again sometime soon!
