Sunday, August 8, 2010

power tools, paint, and one pissed off husband!

so that last part was a bit of an over statement, but it sounds better than an "irritated you neglected your children for 2 hours to paint a piece of furniture we really didn't need but you wanted" husband. let's start at the beginning...

we have a breakfast "nook" and for a long long looooooooooong time, i have wanted a buffet cabinet to go in the bay window of the breakfast nook. i scoured goodwills (3 in one day once), the flea market, garage sales, craigslist, everywhere, for months. nothing was ever what i wanted. all i wanted was 2 cabinets, one big enough for my sewing machine to fit, and the other to hold of my hair chemical bottles (you forget, i'm a hairstylist too). i wanted drawers in the middle to hold all my material and supplies for hair. in other words, it would be my creative station. and i wanted claw feet. so when you have a wish list as long as mine for a piece of furniture- oh, and it had to be under $75- it takes a while to find just what you want. well i found it. on craigslist, but they wanted to sell me the matching table and chairs as well- for $150. i contact the person, and she gets back to me saying someone already said they wanted the whole set, but if she didn't show up that day, it was mine. for $75. SCORE! i hoped. later that day, i got the email, it was mine if i could come get it asap. of course i will, only problem, the hubs worked the next day and i didn't have anyone who could help me move such a massive piece of furniture, while still having the boys in the back of the car with me. grrrreaaaaat. i'm gonna lose out on my dream buffet. i emailed her appologizing profusely that i wouldn't be able to come, but we could be there tuesday. would that work? only if you come tuesday, otherwise we've had a few other people interested in it too. now, i know how craigslist works, and if you really want someone to come buy it, you always say "i've got other's interested in it too" sometimes it's true, sometimes it isn't. i didn't want to sit around and wait.

i convinced the hubs i found the perfect piece, and that we had to go pick it up first thing in the am. my amazingly patient, loving husband said ok, and after a sleepless night at the fire station, came with me to shove this thing in the back of the tahoe, with boys both in the middle seat. i'm still not sure how it fit, but by the grace of god, we did it, and i was the proud owner of my new buffet (and possibly a new family to photograph as well, they had  21 month old TRIPLETS!)

after a sanding, some primer, and a couple coats of paint, i now have the PERFECT buffet for my kitchen! i love bringing new life to old objects, and like they always say, one mans junk is another mans treasure, i am a true believer in that. even if the hubs isn't!


  1. This is so awesome. It was totally worth all of the stuff you went through to get it. I want one! =)

  2. This is great, Kym! I wish I had your creativity. What a fun color!
