Tuesday, September 21, 2010

san jose children's photography: peyton is 8 months!

i don't know how it is possible that peyton is 8 months old already! it seems like last month i was taking his mama's maternity pictures (i wasn't blogging yet, so i don't have those on here), and just last week I was doing his newborns! now, he is a happy little fellow, who is on the verge of being on the move! 

sheri and peyton met us for a day at happy hollow, a children's park and zoo in san jose. i had been excited to go, as i spent a lot of time there as a child myself, and they just recently reopened after some much needed renovations and updating. it was a perfect morning: cool and a little over cast, meaning not too many people were at the park with us. 

i always love when parents don't know their babies can do something until they try: peyton stood by himself for the first time, holding on to the old crooked house, and mama couldn't have been more excited! 
peyton: continue to bring smiles to everyone who meets you. you are an amazing little guy, and i can't wait to see you again in a couple months! 

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