Saturday, October 16, 2010

palm springs, ca family photography: a quickie in the desert

during my drive out to palm springs on thursday, i had a few hours of me time. i was able to get lost in my thoughts, and really thank the Lord for where i am today, and all that has brought me to this place in my life. i am thankful for the friends and family who have stuck by my side, through crazy times (me, certifiable for a few years), and through the fun times. the ones who have been my rocks, and those who have thrown rocks at me. yes, i am thankful for them. they snapped me out of some low places. i also was thinking of how grateful i am for friends like catherine. 

she and i were college roommates. at a time where i was not making the smartest life choices, she was my conscience without being overly "mommish". when i moved out of the apartment, i cut ties with the girls i had been living with. i burned bridges. i tried my hardest to forget the people who had been so patient and caring with me (i'm telling you, i was a certifiable b.i.t.c.h. for a while). it broke my heart. so i was thankful a few years later, after we had all graduated and moved on, that catherine and i were able to rekindle our friendship. she had moved back to palm springs, but would still drive out to belmont shore for me to do her hair and chat for a couple hours. i was thankful to have her back in my life. it was as if the bridge had never been burned. 

when she called and asked if i would be willing to come out and take her christmas card pictures this year, and build her and her husbands "jimmy loves catherine" collection, i of course said yes! it would be a mini vacation for me (hey, one night away REALLY recharges the batteries of a mom!), and i would get to spend some quality time with one of my best friends from college. 

cat cracked me up the entire time, telling her husband "you better watch out, she blogs about all her sessions. she won't have anything to say about you if you keep...." so what can i say but thank you jimmy, for taking a few minutes and playing spouse to a super model! you did a great job, even if you did have your phone on your hip and keep asking if we were done yet! 

i learned a lesson while enjoying beers with catherine after their mini session: bridges can be rebuilt. out of concrete. so they'll never be burnt again. 

thank you my dear friend. xoxo

1 comment:

  1. SO SO SO beautiful! Their baby blues are TO DIE FOR! Our friends are truly amazing people!!
