Saturday, November 27, 2010

northridge, ca family photography: a family's first photos...

i felt honored when yoly contacting me a couple weeks back to capture their new family's first portraits together. 

i had a beautiful location picked out: an awesome abandoned lot with a rickety old fence, over grown grass, and gorgeous oak trees (i'm a sucker for those oaks!) i had everything envisioned, then the day before the session, i did my standard drive by, and everything had been mowed down. quickly, i went into hyper drive, and stumbled upon a lovely area behind a local church. 

it couldn't have been more perfect. the lighting was perfect, the day was perfect (you wouldn't have believed it was raining the day before), and of course, the family was perfect. 

these two are g.o.r.g.e.o.u.s. in every syllable of the word, gorgeous. and together, the created a beautiful little man, who is the spitting image of daddy. 

 i love watching families interact together, and always try to capture the real moments, not just the poses. so much of the story and how they love and adore each other can be seen in those moments when they think they are just trying to get the baby to smile. 

 i tried to dognap their bulldog, bohdi, but they were on to me! 

 milo made us work for the smiles today! and totally worth it! 
 after milo had his fill, we captured just a few of joal and yoly. the camera seriously loves these two! 

Tuesday, November 23, 2010

a personal project...

i'm a dreamer. and a schemer. i come up with these crazy ideas that wouldn't seem possible or plausible to the normal person, but to me, they are just another way to better myself. both creatively and personally. 

my latest idea, my hubs was adamantly against. he said there was no way we would do it, and that the idea was (imagine this) crazy. but i, being stubborn, and a extremely good at convincing people to do what i want, somehow talked the hubs into it! 

so what is this crazy idea, you are probably wondering by now? it's my own hair salon. doesn't sound too crazy, right? but it's not just a hair salon, it's a hair salon on wheels. yeah, i said it. on wheels. as in traveling. as in, buckle down the shampoo bowl, lock up the color, kym's coming through with a trailer hooked up to the back of her truck- salon on wheels! and it gets even better. it's a 1956 sardine can trailer! 

so here's the back story: we were driving down a backroad on our way to ventura a few weeks back, and i saw it. in all it's rusted out glory. m and the boys were sleeping, and i slapped him quickly and said, look babe, that's it! that is exactly what i want! he quickly glanced at it as we drove by, and said we could stop on the way home and check it out. we talked about it while we were at the beach, and he finally thought ok, maybe. we agreed that if it was like oh, $300 we'd buy it. after all, we'd spent more on alcohol (don't judge) for a party than that. 

on our way home, we stopped to check it out. after seeing it, we definitely decided it wasn't worth more than $300, but that it has potential. so he went in, asked, and as he was walking out, he's shaking his head back and forth. i thought that meant no go, it's too expensive. but to my utter excitement. he walks over to me and says, 

"it's $300 bucks".

i was giddy. i finally get my trailer! we needed to go home and talk it over again, and he wanted to do some research into them and see how difficult it would be (he's a google research addict), so while at home that night, i gave him a list as to why it was a good idea:

5. it would get the hair out of the kitchen
4. people wouldn't need to have their hair washed in our kitchen sink anymore
3. all of my hair stuff would be out of the house and in one spot
2. when we move, we can take it with us
and the number one reason it was a good idea:
1. he can use his welder. 

yeah. that last one is what sold him! we've wanted a classic car to restore, but instead, it's going to be a classic trailer! 

it's going to take a while to rehab, after all, we bought it for $300, and it needs e.v.e.r.y.t.h.i.n.g. re done. but that is ok! i love me a project! so look for updates and stories about our progress, and hopefully in late 2011 it will be finished! and who knows, maybe you'll see me one day driving down the street, on my way to a photo shoot with my hair and wardrobe trailer behind me! 

until then, here are a few before pictures, so you can see just. how. much. work. it. needs!! 

 we didn't trust the axel, so we had to have it towed to the house- tack on another 200 bucks!

nestled into it's home next to our house! isn't it just adorable! 

Saturday, November 20, 2010

los gatos ca, newborn photography: new born baby {love}

as i pulled up to the house for their newborn session, new daddy brandon came out to greet me, holding their new baby girl brynn! the last time i saw brandon holding a baby, it was my own. i knew when he was holding my little man, he would make a great daddy. and he proved me right!
jessica made a gorgeous pregnant woman, and just a few months ago i was blessed to capture her belly up in napa, and just 19 days after brynn was born, she looks amazing!!
their new little family brought so much joy to my heart to see, and i cannot wait to watch this new little angel grow!

she was sleepy, but never actually fell asleep for us

 i love that she is looking at the camera in this one!

Thursday, November 18, 2010

san jose family photography: future heart breaker

two beautiful people (both inside and out) created a third beautiful little lady...
 her smiles were addictive...

 i could get lost in her baby blues...
she has daddy wrapped around her little finger...

 and her personality shines...

i can't wait to see y'all again in a few months!

san jose family photography: the smiles are abundant!

peyton *might* just be my favorite little one to photograph. always. i have had the joy of watching him grow in his mama's tummy, capture him in all his newborn glory, and watch as he has grown into a little 10 month old bruiser! the joy that this little guy has, melts, like seriously melts my heart! i love the time i get to spend with the christie family each time i am up north, and have loved to watch sheri and dave become such loving and caring parents. they just recently moved into their new home, and are lucky enough to have an ahhhmazing oak in the back that was shedding it's leaves. making for the perfect backdrop for their holiday cards!