Tuesday, November 16, 2010

san jose family photography: what we do to make our babies laugh

i was warned. landon does NOT like to smile for anyone besides mom and dad, so getting a picture of all three of him, while he was smiling, might be tough. i love a challenge, and even more, i love to make babies smile. not just smile, but belly laugh, giggle and squirm smile. and i have no problem making a fool out of myself to get those smiles if needed. lucky for me, neither did landon's mom and dad. i'm not sure who was laughing more either, him, or the three of us! the brown's mini session was an energetic one, with more laughing than i had done in quite a while! 
thank you kristin and matt, for showing me such a fun afternoon, and for introducing me to ducky! i think i might need to add him to my arsenal of secret weapons! 
i know this last one is a little soft, we'd lost most of our light, but i had to get ducky on here too! 

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