Monday, December 13, 2010

los angeles, ca family photography: it's beginning to look a lot like christmas

our tree. every ornament is placed with love and a little bit of ocd, to make sure it is perfectly placed. while some families have every member of the family decorating the tree, we have me, while the hubs keeps the kids out of the room, until the big reveal. at that point, we let the boys each put on their special ornament.

every ornament on our tree has a story. our tradition each year is to chose an ornament that best describes the year we had. there is the "out first christmas together" tree, and the "baby's first" ducky. we have an apple ornament from the year i was pregnant with W, not knowing yet if he was a boy or girl, and the weekly updates said he was about the size of an apple at christmas time. there is a vintage barbie that over looks the tree, keeping my grandmother close by during the holidays, and a shell inscribed with "every life leaves something beautiful behind", in honor of my brother in law's legacy he left too soon.

this year, our ornaments are carefree and fun, and i can tell my tree is going to get a lot more colorful and cartoon charactery as the boys get older. (i might need to invest in a tree just for them so i can keep my ocd tree!)

So on the twelfth day of Christmas, I give to you, our ornaments for this year: 

our house is officially on the market now, which means i had to keep it simple for decorating the house this year. just a few touches here and there to bring the holiday spirit throughout the house! 

and a preview of the next blog i'm working on:

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