Monday, January 17, 2011

burbank, ca children's photography: shhhh, don't tell daddy...

baron's mom wanted to surprise her husband with professional photos of their adorable little man. at nine and a half months old, he is a happy, handsome little guy who was still sleeping when i arrived. 

his mom and i quickly hit it off, sharing our love of white t-shirts, stuffed animal taxidermy (sounds strange, but harmless, i promise), and lack of motivation to decorate our master bedrooms. when she woke baron from his nap, i worried he would be cranky, but instead, he woke with an amazing smile, and giggled the entire time his mom got him ready for his session. as soon as he was dressed, and we set him down for his first photos, he just stared at me. not in an upset way, or in a mad way, or even in a who the heck is this stranger with the big black hole covering her face way. it was just a cute, pensive, man of mystery stare. i knew he was going to make me work to steal those smiles, and i was happy to try! 

 mom was finally able to get some good belly giggles out of the little stud muffin

 "mom, why did this lady put me in a basket??"

i hope your daddy loves the pictures as much as i do!

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