Thursday, January 13, 2011

Project 52, week 2: my personal mantra

more and more each day, i strive to be a better friend. 
more and more each day, i hope to make an impact on the world
more and more each day, i try to learn something i didn't know before
more and more each day, i'm learning to love myself for who i am
more and more each day, i am more comfortable in my own skin
more and more each day, i grow in my faith
more and more each day, i realize how blessed my life is
more and more each day, i fall in love my husband
more and more each day, i become a better mother
more and more each day, i want to touch just one person with my photography. 

paraphrasing william faulkner, "don't try to be better than others, just be better than you were the day before". 

they grow up so quickly!

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