Monday, October 10, 2011

san jose family photography: brooklynn has arrived!

i was blessed to be in town the weekend that brooklynn was born. when i got the text, i couldn't wait to head over to the hospital and see her in all her newborn glory! 
after a full day of shooting other sessions, i wondered around the hospital, trying desperately to find where my dear friend was roomed. after asking the hospital staff THREE different times, and being sent to THREE different rooms (sorry to the other families who i walked in on! i should have handed them my cards!) i finally found them! 

a couple weeks later, i was back up, and ready to shoot the new family of four! 

we had to get creative to get peyton's attention this afternoon. nothing better than a ladder for the lil man to climb!  

welcome to the world brooklynn! your auntie kym loves you! 

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