Tuesday, November 1, 2011

Reno, NV family photography: chasing light

 we forgot one minor detail when scheduling for a sunset shoot in reno: the mountains take your sun away a LOT faster! 

we started off in a gorgeous wilderness park up in the mountains, and since we don't have anything like it in SoCal, i was beyond excited to be shooting among the fall colors and beautiful trees. but quickly as we got set up, the sun began to disappear. i kept moving the darling Dibble family around, trying to find the perfect lighting, and keep adorable little Naomi warm (because minor detail #2, the shade in reno is C.O.L.D. like FREEZING cold). and finally, i asked if they didn't mind if we drove down the mountain and chase the light so we could capture some of the glowing pictures i love so much! 

down the mountain we drove, and after a couple roadside stops, we found an open field that was perfect. not only was the lighting gorgeous, but it was probably a good 20 degrees warmer! we were in luck and ready to use those last magical minutes of light before the sun disappeared again behind the mountains. 

thank you Dibble Family for giving me the opportunity to come out and shoot in Reno! i loved getting to spend some time with your adorable little family, and i look forward to the next trip out! 

 look at those baby blues!! 


a huge thank you to my sister too, who acted as my smile assistant and chauffeur! you rock sissy! 

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