Monday, January 23, 2012

Agora Hills CA: Inspiration Through Art and The Love of Brothers

i've been part of the organization Inspiration Through Art for almost 2 years. 
one of their missions is to provide photography free of charge, to families with children who suffer from life altering disabilities or serious illnesses. i have always felt blessed that my children are healthy and normal children (relatively speaking, wink wink), and have always had a huge respect for not only the children who power through every obstacle life throw's their direction, but also for their parents. it takes a strong, loving, and patient soul to be able to handle the stress that can come with raising little heros. 

stacie and isaac had been introduced to my work through ITA's database.  they have two amazing little men, jason and shawn, who were diagnosed with cerebral palsy right around the time they turned two, and their little brother, Jackson, who is a handsome 9 month old.  she contacted me late last year telling me that her boys were now almost 4 and they had NEVER had a profession family photo session! due to holidays and scheduling, we had to wait until after the new year to meet for their session, but it was worth it! we were greeted with a beautiful, all be it a little breezy, warm january afternoon.

Stacie, Isaac, Jason, Shawn, and Jackson,
thank you, from the bottom of my heart, for choosing me to capture your family photos. you are an amazing family, and i hope to see y'all again soon! my tea cup will be waiting! 

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