Monday, January 30, 2012

los gatos, ca family photography: three generations on each side

i can hardly believe all my newborns from last year are growing so quickly! 
i was privileged to shoot ella when she was still in her mama's tummy, and again as a newborn. now, she is a precious little 6 month old, with quite the personality! 

her parents wanted to do a session featuring both sets of grandparents, as gifts to them, and of course, for ella as well. we met at vasona, and had beautiful afternoon light gleaming down on us. 

sadly, ella had been sick all week, and that day seemed to be her crankiest. but we powered through, and although i was only able to capture a couple of her darling smiles, she gave us a variety of different pouty faces! (as most of y'all know, i LOVE crying pictures! they showcase real personality and remind us that not every minute of the day is all sunshine and rainbows! plus, they make for great blackmail photos when they kids are older!) 

 if i only captured one photo from the whole day, this would be my favorite:

 and then she drifted off to sleep in Grandpa's arms...

happy 6 months ella, you are loved by everyone!

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