Monday, February 15, 2010


i know it was only 9 months ago that i was holding my own newborn, but it is truly amazing how quickly you forget just how little we all start off. i had the complete honor to photograph my girlfriend Sheri when she was 7 months pregnant, and since then, had been dreaming of the day her new son would be entering the world for me to capture. we had a few scares that he would be coming too early, Sheri had to spend quite a bit of time at the end in and out of the doctors, on and off bed rest, and on and off anti labor medicine. one day after stopping the meds, Sheri went into labor. Peyton made his debut three weeks early, and weighed in at almost six and a half pounds. he was healthy, and gorgeous, and was welcomed by a crowd of loving family.

I was able to capture him in all his newborn glory, the day before his actual due date. he was so cooperative with us, although it was rather frigid on that february day. we kept him bundled, and he slept peacefully through our whole outdoor session. its amazing what a full belly will do to a newborn (and grown up at that!) Sheri's husband Dave already makes for an amazing daddy. there are some people who it just comes naturally to, and I would say he is one of those people. it was obvious how in love with both his son and his wife that he is.

Thank you, Sheri, Dave and Peyton (and Jesse too!) for letting me come into your home and photograph! I can't wait to watch your lil man grow and be big enough to play with E and W! You are truly loved!
"auntie" kym

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