Monday, February 15, 2010

the walker girls

Sandy became a fan of mine on facebook. we had never met but when i had posted that i was looking for models, she jumped at the chance and offered me her two beautiful daughters to shoot. we met at Descanso Gardens in La Canada, and had a great time walking around the gorgeous grounds. She had the girls dressed in adorable little tutus, and the they looked just like little fairies sitting among the flowers and over grown grass fields. conversation flowed as we got to know each other. and it turns out that we have more in common than we realize, like almost too much in common! how had we never met with the number of paths our lives have crossed over the years is a mystery!

Sandy, I just want to say thank you, for taking time out of your day and allowing me to capture your adorable girls! it was awesome getting to know you and i cant wait to set our lil ones up on their first chuck e cheese date!

these are just a few of the beautiful pictures from the day, i'll post more when i get them up. i got a new computer for <3 day from my amazing hubby, and am still figuring out how to work it! gotta love switching from a pc to a mac!

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