Thursday, April 1, 2010

on your marks, get set, WIN!

i'm starting off the month of april with a giveaway for a session of your choice (maternity, newborn, children's, family, engagement, or a just because). Here's the rules for this month: my fan page has been sitting at 213 people for a week now, and i need to help getting my name and page out there! SO... i want each of you to promote my page, and the 250th fan will win a free session ALONG with the friend who referred him or her! That is 2 free sessions for the month of april!

Get to it and good luck!!

here's the legal details: 
*winners receive free sittings only, this does not include photos or discs of the images, although prints will be offered at a discounted price, and a full disc of images can be purchased for $75.
*Family sessions are for families of 6 or less. if a group is larger than 6, the difference will need to be paid between the family session and the large family session (approximately $100 depending on number of people) I will go over all options with the winners so we can find the package that will work best for their family. 
*if the winner already has a session scheduled with me, that session cannot be replaced with the free one, it will be for an additional session (how lucky!) 
*sessions must be completed before June 2010.

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