Tuesday, April 6, 2010


 i love the newness of spring. the greenness of the hills, the blue skies, the fact that one day it is 85 degrees and the next i am pulling my sweater back out, and then the very next i am sitting poolside again. spring is beautiful.
 sunday was w's first easter. while it was cold and ugly, and on the verge of rain all day, we dressed him and e up in their "easter best" for brunch with the family and a little mini egg hunt. after brunch, we made a quick wardrobe change to head over to malibu to meet up with some friends on the beach. it turned out to be a gorgeous day by the water, and the rain held out until we packed the kiddos in the car and were heading home.
this next week is going to be a great one for me, i'm heading to the mile high city, denver, to see my pregnant best friend! while i'm there, i have 3 sessions lined up, so i'm looking forward to getting to explore the state and take some amazing photos. but until then, i'll leave you with a few of my favorites from our easter sunday!

1 comment:

  1. Aw your babies are so cute Kym and they still are.!!!!
