Monday, June 7, 2010

buy love here

michelle and andrew are not getting married anytime soon. but when i put the request out for a few couples  to help build my engagement portfolio, michelle said she would love to. andrew on the other hand, told us only if he could wear a denim shirt with jeans. ummm, in michelle's words, "this ain't no jc penny catalog shoot!" 

these two were so much fun, and the giggles and laughing were non stop. trying to get sultry or serious faces was next to impossible, and andrew kept telling michelle to "think of dead kittens", which strangely made all of us burst into hysterics instead. really? i know, right.

they came prepared with yummy cupcakes and a few changes of clothes, so we had fun changing locations with each outfit, cruising down melrose until we found the perfect backdrops- we even stole some guys doberman for our "urban prop". ok, so we didn't "steal" it per say, we did ask permission, and he gave us a very 'are you kidding me" look as he handed over the leash.

to see more of this awesome session, check out the slideshow

and please forgive the cheesy music with it, i haven't figured out how to get MY music with it! 

***Updated*** thanks to my bpf verenice, there is now awesome music with the slideshow!! 

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