Thursday, June 3, 2010

things i love thursday...

i will warn, this is not the typical happy thursday things i love posting...

when tragedy strikes a family, it is devastating. this week marked the 13 year anniversary of the death of a close friend of mine. a life cut short, just 5 days after his 16th birthday, because of a tragic accident that could have been avoided.

sadly, the date now will share the anniversary of another life cut short. i will not go into details, as it is not my place to do so. but i will say that postpartum depression is a serious condition that unfortunately too many women are scared to admit they have. new moms try to always look like they have it all together, and that they are loving being a parent. that their world has been made whole by giving birth to this new little bundle of sleepless nights and screaming days- oh, i mean bundle of joy. that is not always the case. i know. i suffered from it after my first son was born. i would cry daily, mourning the life i knew i no longer could live, and mad at myself for being resentful of the son i knew i should be thankful i had. i was able to get the help and support i needed from friends and family, and was able to pull myself out of the darkness without medical attention. not everyone is so lucky.

this week also marked a joyful acceptance for me, to be able to give back to deserving children and their families the gift of photography. i'll go into more detail in a minute...

but because of these three events, my things i love thursday is revolving around 5 charities and organizations that i think are important and need support and understanding.

1. the littlest hero's project.

Our mission at The Littlest Heroes Project is to help provide and capture memories for families who are dealing with hectic schedules due to having a child who is suffering from a serious illness or life altering disability. We understand that in the midst of being thrown a diagnosis and having to switch from a “normal” life to a life that is totally different, and often scary, things like getting photos taken is sometimes a huge challenge and is one of the last things families are thinking about. But when everything is done, and either the child has reached the end of their battle, or has proven the odds against it many wish they had more time to stop, and capture the journey that they lived through for so long.

i am proud to say that i have been accepted to be one of their photographers. this is such an honor for me, as i have always tried to give back with my artistic skills. while i may not be the best public speaker, or the most comfortable around large groups, i have always had a calmness around hospitals and sickness. i truly believe each of these children are beautiful, and i look forward to working with this organization to provide photographs of their amazingly strong children. 

2. MADD Mother's Against Drunk Driving. nough said. i'm a mother. i'm against drunk driving. you need to go somewhere, call a cab or a friend, or me. but don't claim innocent lives because of your stupidity.

3. an online resource for moms suffering from postpartum depression. not only can you chat with other moms suffering from it, but there are psychologists and doctors who are online to help as well. this network lets you know you are not alone in your battle, and that it is much more common than most people realize. according to PostPartum Progress 

more women will suffer from postpartum depression and related illnesses this year than the combined number of new cases for men and women of tuberculosis, leukemia, multiple sclerosis, Parkinson's disease, Alzheimer's disease and epilepsy.

just puts it into perspective.

4. the leukemia and lymphoma society my life has been touched too closely by cancer. my father, grandfather, grandmothers, cousin, father in law, and brother in law have all fought, and some lost, the battle against cancer. 

5. adopt a firestation so i might be a little biased, and it doesn't need to be a los angeles fire station, but your local fire departments need your support. as the website says

    There are no projects too small - or ideas too complex. Your local Firefighters and Paramedics can benefit greatly from your technical expertise, donated services, skilled labor or excess supplies. For larger or more creative projects, they may be able to channel your financial or labor contribution towards planned improvements.

even just bringing them desserts or breakfast makes these men and women feel appreciated. all too often we forget that when the rest of the people are running out, they are running in to the danger, to protect the rest of us from harms way. 

so there you have it. my heavy things i love thursday. think about how you can make a difference in someone's life, and help! 

1 comment:

  1. Love this post, Kym. I agree, whole-heartedly, about postpartum depression, and everything else, actually.
