Friday, July 30, 2010

miami, your ami, it's all our ami

we just got back from my husband's family reunion in key biscayne/ miami. it was quite an experience, traveling with a one year old and a three year old. but not only that, we had 19 family members staying in one beautiful shore front house together. it was chaotic and fun all at once. i have never seen such beautiful beaches or sunsets, and every picture looks like a postcard to me! 
one of the nights, i took my nieces out with me to do some night shooting. the house had a perfect view of the miami skyline, so at midnight, we set our cameras out on the dock (because none of us had tripods), and i introduced them to the world of long exposure. i had such a blast with them, and just getting to go out and shoot around the key, that i couldn't wait to share some of the images! and remember, all of the next few images were taken at midnight. in the dark. with no flash.

i think i might turn this one into a gianormous print to hang in my living room. or sell it to ikea for them to mass market it! i love it so much! 

i'll post some more from my trip in the near future, there are too many to pick from not to include! 




About Me

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wife of 1, mother of 2, the youngest of 3. a creative soul who expresses it through photography and sewing. (and baking, painting, writing, and anything else that would fall into a "fine arts" description)